[ MSE Lab Works ]
MSE Lab Works Video (English Subtitle)
MSE Position: Posterior Palatal Vault Between 1st and 2nd Molars in Order to Direct
the Expansion Force Against the Buttress Bones
MSE Should Be Positioned Slightly Anterior to the Soft Palate
[ Bi-Cortical Engagement ]
* Caution: When the implants are not engaged bi-cortically, they may tip laterally during the expansion, causing unwanted tissue impingements and implant failure
[ Benefits & Contraindications ]
● Vertical Control in High Angle Cases
● Significant Increase in Upper Airway Volume: Nasal Obstruction, Sleep Apnea
● Mostly Skeletal Expansion: Less Bone Bending and Dental Tipping Compared to RPE and SARPE
● Less Invasive than SARPE and Orthognathic Surgery
● FM and MSE for Class III Correction
● MSE Causes Expansion of the Surrounding Structures
● MSE Can Be Used for Mature Patients
● Extremely narrow palatal vault
● Patients with previous mid-facial trauma
● Extremely thick/dense palatal bone and/or dense buttress bone
● Extremely thin palate with low bone density
[ Activation Protocol ]
※ Patient's Biotype Must Be Considered
MSE Ver. I - Pin Type
MSE Ver. II - Spanner Type
4 Turns = 0.8mm(1 revolution)
Ex.) MSE-8 means its expansion size is 8mm = 40 turns
6 Turns = 0.8mm(1 revolution)
Ex.) MSEII-12 means its expansion size is 12mm = 90 turns
Early teens : 3 turns / week(0.60mm / week)
Late teens : 1 turns / day(0.20mm / day)
Early to Mid-20's : 2~3 turns / day(0.40~0.60mm/day)
Older : Minimum 2~3 turns / day, assistance PRN
After Diastema : 1 turns / day(0.20mm / day)
Early teens : 6 turns / week(0.80mm / week)
Late teens : 2 turns / day(0.27mm / day)
Early to Mid-20's : 4~6 turns / day(0.53~0.80mm/day)
Older : Minimum 4~6 turns / day
After Diastema : 2 turns / day(0.27mm / day)