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[ MSE Lab Works ]

MSE Lab WorksVideo (English Subtitle)

MSE Position: Posterior Palatal Vault Between 1st and  2nd Molars in Order to Direct

the Expansion Force Against the Buttress Bones 


MSE Should Be Positioned Slightly Anterior to the Soft Palate

[ Bi-Cortical Engagement ]

* Caution: When the implants are not engaged bi-cortically, they may tip laterally during the expansion,                  causing unwanted tissue impingements and implant failure

[ Benefits & Contraindications ]

 Vertical Control in High Angle Cases

 Significant Increase in Upper Airway Volume: Nasal Obstruction, Sleep Apnea

 Mostly Skeletal Expansion: Less Bone Bending and Dental Tipping Compared to RPE and SARPE

 Less Invasive than SARPE and Orthognathic Surgery

 FM and MSE for Class III Correction

 MSE Causes Expansion of the Surrounding Structures

 MSE Can Be Used for Mature Patients


 Extremely narrow palatal vault

 Patients with previous mid-facial trauma

 Extremely thick/dense palatal bone and/or dense buttress bone

 Extremely thin palate with low bone density 

[ Activation Protocol ]

※ Patient's Biotype Must Be Considered

MSE Ver. I - Pin Type

MSE Ver. II - Spanner Type

4 Turns = 0.8mm(1 revolution)

Ex.) MSE-8 means its expansion size is 8mm = 40 turns

MSE Ver. I

6 Turns = 0.8mm(1 revolution)

Ex.) MSEII-12 means its expansion size is 12mm = 90 turns

The Number of Activation



Early teens          : 3 turns / week(0.60mm / week)

Late teens           : 1 turns / day(0.20mm / day)

Early to Mid-20's : 2~3 turns / day(0.40~0.60mm/day)

Older                   : Minimum 2~3 turns / day, assistance PRN

After Diastema    : 1 turns / day(0.20mm / day)


Early teens          : 6 turns / week(0.80mm / week)

Late teens           : 2 turns / day(0.27mm / day)

Early to Mid-20's : 4~6 turns / day(0.53~0.80mm/day)

Older                   : Minimum 4~6 turns / day

After Diastema    : 2 turns / day(0.27mm / day)

The Number of Activation
MSE II Activation Video (Korean Subtitle)
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